88 The treasurers of the Hospital Saturday Fund and Stanley Hospital gratefully acknow- ledged the receipts of the Practice game. Team v Scott Aston Villa Stevenson Maconnachie Grenyer Harris Fleetwood Makepeace Beare Jefferis Gracie Gourlay Lacey. v Oldham Berry. Ath. Res. Young Bardsley Allan Weller Grenyer Pinkney Doran Jordan Burton Gault. Directors to Brum. Messrs Whitford, Wade, Kirkwood & Davies on Gate Mr. Kelly. Gracie The Secretary was instructed to place on the Agenda for next meeting Gracie. Transfers of E. A. Bainbridge to Wm. Allerton Shares 3 shares 623 to 625 do A. R. Paynter 3 shares 617 to 619 do Mary Victoria Bainbridge 1 share 626 do to John Hy Cuff 3 shares 620 to 622 Execution of E. H. E. Benedict to Thos. Hiatt 3 shares 2464 to 2466 do Andrew Simpson 3 shares 1324/1326