85 Season The Secretary reported that during his absence tickets at Newcastle an error of 1/7/- occurred in the sale of Season tickets. Tranmere The Secretary was instructed to ask Rovers Taylor to watch & give a report upon the play of the outside right of Tranmere. Transfers of E. A. Bainbridge to Thos. E. Taylor Shares 3 shares 15/- 567-569 E. A. Bainbridge to Wm. R. E. Cross 1 share 15/- 570 do to Thomas Cross 1 share 15/- 571. Mary Richardson to Albert E. Richardson 1 share 15/- 671 1 do fully paid 2394 Passed. Godwin Messrs Clayton, Davies & Kirkwood were deputed to watch this right back of Mold on Saturday the 23rd at Ormskirk. Gracie The Secretary reported the receipt from Clyde F.C. of a were enquiring if we would transfer Gracie & he was instructed to bring the matter before the next meeting. Newcastle The Secretary reported that the gross gate at Newcastle on the 6th inst. was £603.6.3. Practice The Secretary was instructed to allocate game the gross receipts of the practice game as follows