Director to	Messrs Clayton & Allman.
on Gate		Dr. Baxter.

Dr. Baxter's	This Matter was further deferred.
21 years

S. Settle	Settles report in Saturday's game
		was read & filed.

Marshall	The Secretary read letter from J. Marshall
		offering his services &  the Secretary
		was instructed to ascertain the
		remuneration desired for same.

Macclesfield	The outside right & left back of
		Macclesfield were recommended.

		Resolved that the services of the 4th
		Lanc.R. F. A. be engaged for the 16th
		inst at £3.3.0.

Davidson	The Secretary having reported that the
		League had ordered Davidson to refund
		£42 before the 30th inst. The Secretary
		was instructed to apply for leave to
		appear before them & to ask the Chair-
		man to grant Davidson an extension

Transfer of	Jos J. Ashworth to Edgar C. Ashworth
Shares  	3  15/- Shares 1024 to 1026.
			    William Whitford