
S. Settle	The Secretary reported the acceptance
		of our terms of engagement by S. Settle.

A. S. Walker	The Secretary was instructed to
		pursue this matter.

Maltby		Notts Forest having intimated their
		refusal of an offer of £1000 no action.

Walker		Swindon would not treat for this
		players transfer but enquired for
		backs : resolved we offer Clifford.

Trainer		Resolved that Elliot be paid a
		bonus equal in amount to that
		paid to the player having the highest
		number of games.

Doran		Resolved that this player be
		engaged at 35/- per week.

Holbein		The Secretary was instructed to go to
		Sheffield & if satisfied on enquiries as
		to his ability to negotiate with Wednesday
		for his transfer up to £500.

Season Tickets	The Secretary was instructed to issue
		tickets to ladies & boys at the following
			1/- stand	5/6
			2/-   "		7/6
			3/-   "		10/6
		but the issue is to be restricted to purchase