
[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
		August 29th 1911]

Present		All Directors save Messrs Allman &

Minutes		The minutes of last meeting were
		read & confirmed.

Public		The Secretary reported that the receipts
practice	were £158
		Resolved that in future years
		only one public practice game be
		held & that arrangements be made
		to have an uniform price with L'pool.

Open dates	The Secretary was instructed to offer
		Aston Villa a Guarantee of £20 with
		half gross gate over £40 for a visit
		on January 20.

City Caterers	The Secretary reported the acceptance
		by the City Caterers if our terms.

Transfer of	The Secretary reported the receipt of
Shares		Certificate of death of Wm. Caddick.

		Margt Caddick to	Thos. S. Dodgson
			3  15/- shares	369 to 371
		Thos. Blackham to Geo. Lovely.
			3  15/- shares	1720 to 1722
		Wm. Hughes to	Fredr. Jno. McEvoy
			3  15/- shares	1297 to 1299	Passed