
Open dates	Resolved that if South Liverpool can
		visit us on Febry. 17 on half net gate
		terms we accept them
		and that if possible home & away
		fixtures be arranged with Tranmere
		It was found inexpedient to arrange
		dates with Old Xaverians.

City Caterers	Resolved that the following arrangement
		with reference to the two additional
		refreshment bars under the Shareholders
		& South end of stand respectively be
		confirmed for this season viz.
	1	That the club prepare the Shareholders
		refreshment room ready for occupation.
	2	That the City Caterers prepare the
		end room to their own satisfaction
	3	That the Caterers in addition to the
		payment of the annual rental pay
		10% of the gross receipts of the two
		additional bars.

Transfer of	The Secretary reported that the Executor
Shares		of  Wm. Caddick had sold the deceased
		shares herein : that Probate had not been
		applied for as the shares comprised the
		whole estate : Resolved that the Will
		produced be accepted provided the
		death be proved by Certificate.

S. Settle	The Secretary was instructed to offer S.
		Settle an engagement for the Season at 10/-