
		3 15/- shares 2079 to 2081
		Thos. Percival	to	Thos. E. Breen
		1 15/- shares 557  1 free share 2371
		Thos. Percival	to	Ernest Breen
		1 15/- share 558.

Next agenda
		Proposed engagement of S. Settle.
		Enquiry as to proportion of lead in
		   blue paint.
		Complimentary tickets to Ex Directors
		Groundsmen overtime.

Laundry work	Tenders for same were examined
		and that of the Diamond Laundry
		Co. Ltd. Seaforth as follows
		Pants		1-11	per doz.
		Stockings	   8	  do
		Towels		   8	  do
		Shirts		 1-6	  do
		Sweaters	 1-6	  do
		was accepted.

Teams for			Wm. Scott
Public			R. Balmer	J.S. Maconnachie
Practice game	  Harris	Young		Grenyer
		A. Berry  Jefferis  Gracie  Gourlay  Davidson

				C. Berry
			Stevenson	Meunier
		  Allan		Fleetwood	Weller
		Beare   Pinkney   Magner   Burton   Lacey
					William Whitford