68 Sep. 16 South L'pool Away Feb. 17 do Home Sep. 30 Rochdale Away The last named on a guarantee of £25 with half gross gate. Jan. 20 Aston Villa Res. Home with Half gate. New Brighton Tower Amateurs Away some evening. Rev. W.C. Jordan The Secretary reported that ^ W.C. Jordan had expressed a desire to play for us if fit & that he had written to West Bromwich A. thereon & had accepted the offer of Mr. Jordan. Action approved. An application for permission to erect a tobacco kiosk on our ground was declined. The Secretary was instructed to invite the City Caterers to offer terms for new refreshment rooms. Rafferty The Secretary reported the transfer of D. Rafferty to Airieonians at £75. Approved. Transfers Geo. Allan to Thos. Jno. Weir Junr. of shares 3 15/- shares 820-822 Geo. Allan to Thos. Jno. Weir 3 15/- shares 817 to 819 G. H. Barber to Jno. Etherington