64 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, Monday July 24th 1911] Present Dr. Whitford Messrs Baxter Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wilson A.D. Burton The Secretary reported that this player who was on Bristol City's transfer list at £100 would be an acquisition to us. That he was 27 years of age, 5'8" & 10st 9lb and bore an excellent character. It was unanimously decided that we secure his signature and Mr. Kirkwood was deputed to make the journey to Scotland. Half time A Sub-Committee consisting of the Chairman Tea for & Messrs Kelly & Kirkwood were instructed Shareholders to purchase the necessary fixtures to enable our Shareholders to be supplied with Tea, Coffee &c. at half time. Junior A Sub Committee were appointed consisting Clerk of the Chairman & Messrs Clayton & Wilson and they were instructed to advertise and make the necessary appointment of a Junior Clerk at a salary not exceeding 15/- per week. William Whitford