
Bonus for 	The Secretary read the attendances of
Merit		the various players & the amount of
		talent money due each in respect of
		the League Matches of the Season 1910/11
		& the same was approved.

Rugby Match	The Secretary's action in offering Octr.
		25 for the Rugby International at
		Goodison Park was confirmed.

Transfers 	John P. Corless	to	Mary E. Parker
of shares 	 one 15/- Share		1304
		Alfred H. Mason	to	Henry Harper
		 3 15/-  Shares		133 : 441 : 806
		D. B. Redford Jr. to Jno. Taylor
		 3 15/- shares		2021 to 2023
		Jos. Riozzi	to	Jas. W. Bickerdyke
		 one 15/- share		No 522
		W. C. Cuff	to	Jas. W. Bickerdyke
		 2 15/- shares		1142/3.
		Chas. Parry	to	Jos. Riozzi
		 2 15/- shares 521/2 and one free 2370

						William Whitford