56 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park June 20 1911] Present All except Dr. Baxter. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. James The Secretary reported his enquiry from Middlesbro & their reply that Newcastle had the first refusal & requesting our best offer: that Davidson did not know very much of him but that he was 5.6 & 10½ stone. Resolved that we do nothing. Central League The Secretary reported the position herein & consent was given to his acting as Hon. Sec. Walter Scott Aston Villa having replied that our price for this player was too high resolved we do not reduce same but ask for their best offer. Kitchen Southampton having offered £75 for the transfer of Geo. Kitchen resolved that same be accepted. Fixture Cards The Secretary reported that M'Caw & Co's price for fixture cards was £35 resolved that order be given to Formans. Press Our relations with the local press