		The Chairman therefore declared
			Messrs	Allman
				Davies	&
		duly elected to the Directorate.

Election of	Mr. Gardener proposed.
Auditors	Mr. J. Atkinson seconded.
		And it was unanimously resolved
		" That Messrs J. J. Rogers Bowler & Co. be
		" reappointed Auditors to the Company
		" at a fee of 50 guineas."

		A vote of condolence with the Secretary
		in his bereavement was passed by the
		share holders.

Good Friday	Mr. I. G. Taggart proposed & Mr. - seconded
Football	that in the opinion of this meeting it was
		expedient that this Club do move with a
		view to bringing about the discontinuance
		of Football matches on Good Friday. After
		several speakers had addressed the
		meeting the vote was taken & the Chairman
		declared the proposition defeated by 2 votes
		the voting being :- 	For 113
				    Against 115

List of players	The Secretary read a list of players
engaged for	engaged for next season.
Season 1911/1912