	e.	As to the non engagement of A. Young.
	f.	As to the issue of proxy forms with the balance
	g.	As to the desirability of separating the items
		"wages & transfer fees".
	h.	As to the admission of Season ticket holders
		to the Goodison Road Double Decker.
	i.	As to Coleman's transfer fee.

		These questions having been answered by
		the Chairman the above resolution was
		put (to the) and unanimously carried.

Dividend	Mr. Kirkwood proposed
		Mr. Bainbridge seconded
		and it was unanimously resolved that
		a dividend of 5% be declared on paid up

Election of	The following names were submitted to the
Directors	Shareholders for election of three Directors.
			H. Allman
			E. A. Bainbridge
			J. Davies
			J. Gunning
			Dr.W. Whitford
		The following proxies were handed to Mr. Bowler
		several having been withdrawn by the givers
		thereof attending the meeting personally.

			In the names of the Retiring Directors.