1888 [Meeting of Committee held in the Sandon
July 16 Hotel on Monday evening].
John Houlding Esq in the chair
Present Messrs J J Ramsey, R Wilson, W Marriott, T Marriott,
G Fleming, Jackson, E Berry, T. C. Howarth, J. C. Brooks,
R L Stockton & W E Barclay.
Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed.
The Secretary read specification for ground improvements
& was directed by the committee to advertise for tenders
to carry out the work.
The following new members were elected.
T Howarth 112 Landseer Rd, B W McKie 13 Royal St,
G F Cullen 8 Royal St, B Lipson 24 Walton Rd., I Jeffers
52 Grasmere St, G Willer 89 Field St.
Letter read from Mr. F Brettle.
Mr. Stockton proposed & W E Barclay seconded. That a storekeeper
& attendant be appointed. Carried.
Mr. Stockton moved & W E Barclay seconded. That Mr. F.
Wills be appointed storekeeper & attendant at a salary
of ten shillings (10/-) per week. Carried.
Mr. Stockton moved & Mr I. C. Howarth seconded. That the
Treasurer be empowered to borrow from J Houlding Esq the
sum of thirty pounds (£30) @ 5% per annum interest.
Mr. Barclay moved & Mr. R Wilson seconded. That we resign
our membership of the Liverpool & District Football Association.