1888 Adjourned General Meeting
18 June
The president in the chair.
The gentlemen nominated to serve
on the Committee for the season
'88 & '89 were selected by ballot,
the result of the voting being
that Messrs J. Richards,
G. Fleming, W. Jackson, E. Berry,
T. Marriott, T. C. Howarth, and
J. C. Brooks were elected.
Mr. W. Richards proposed a vote
of thanks to the retiring committee;
Seconded by Mr. J. Williams and
carried unanimously.
Resolved "that the appointment of
umpires" be left in the hands of
the committee.
Mr. Nisbet made a personal
explanation, referred to what he
had done for the club, and wished
the club success in the future.
A hearty and unanimous vote
of thanks accorded to Mr F. Mills
for his voluntary services as
trainer during the season.
On the motion of Mr Wilson
seconded by Mr Montgomery.