		   I.—That this Club be called THE EVERTON FOOTBALL
		   II—That the Officers be a President, six or more
		Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant 
		Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, and Captains and
		Sub-Captains of the First and Second Teams respectively,
		with a Committee, consisting of the President,
		one Vice-President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer,
		Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Seven ordinary
		members, who shall have absolute control of the
		ground and finances, the arrangement of matches,
		the selection of teams, and all other matters affecting
		the interest of the Club. Six to form a quorum.
		   III.—The Entrance Fee shall be 5/- and the
		Subscription shall be 7/6 per annum (admitting to
		ground and reserve side); one-half to be deposited
		at the time of nomination, and the remainder to
		be paid within one month from date of election.
		Subscribers of One Guinea and upwards to be admitted
		to the Stand. All Subscriptions must be
		paid on or before the 1st. October, and if any
		member’s subscription remain unpaid after notification
		by the Treasurer, the Committee shall erase
		his name from the list of members. Members will
		be required to produce their Membership Cards on
		entering the Ground.
		   IV.—Members chosen to play shall be notified
		by the Secretary, and those unable to attend, shall
		intimate the same in writing, at least two days
		previously, to the Secretary.
		   V.—The Committee shall have power to make
		bye-laws, which shall become binding upon the
		Members on being posted upon the Notice Board.
		  VI.—New Members shall be elected by the Committee.
		Voting to be by ballot. Majority to decide.
		  VII.—That if the Funds shall at any time be insufficient
		to meet the current expenses of the Club,
		a levy shall be made upon all the Members, who
		shall contribute proportionally to make good the
		  VIII.—Before an account is paid or money advanced
		on behalf of the Club, the Treasurer shall
		receive a memorandum in writing, signed by the
		Chairman of the Committee, that such account or
		advance has been approved of by the Committee.
		  IX.—That the Practice Nights be Tuesday and
		Thursday, when every playing member is requested
		to attend.
		  X.—That the accounts of the Club be audited
		yearly, and a balance sheet, as certified, be presented
		to the General Meeting. A copy of such
		balance sheet shall be forwarded to every Member
		of the Club seven days previous to such meeting.
		  XI.—That in the event of any alteration in the
		Rules of the Club being deemed necessary, notice
		of the proposed alteration, with the name of the
		proposer, must be sent in writing to the Secretary
		before the last day in April, who shall then put a
		copy of the proposed alteration upon the Notice
		  XII.—That the Annual General Meeting of the
		Club be held within 14 days after the close of the
202 The possibility of playing baseball at the ground was considered. The ground was felt to be unsuitable.
232 Photograph of players taken at Sunderland. In was agreed that each player should have a copy. The team names: 1st and 2nd team were adopted.
243 £100 to be paid to Mr Houlding towards the Club’s loan account with him.
273 Gordon had to promise to keep in proper condition to play football
274 12 medals were ordered from Vaughton and sons.