[Annual General Meeting held in the Anfield Road
Board School, Monday June 9th 1890. The president
of the club (John Houlding Esq.) in the chair.]
Secretary's report- The Chairman after a few remarks called for the Sec. to
give his report, which was done; the chairman moved & the
Vice Chairman seconded the resolution that the report be
adopted, which was carried unanimously.
Treasurers Report- The Chairman moved & Mr. Barclay seconded the resolution
that the report be passed as read. After considerable discussion
respecting various items it was carried.
Rules No. 2.3.4 & 6 were up for confirmation & after slight alteration
they were carried, printed copies to be supplied.
Secretary It was moved by Mr. Mahon & seconded by Mr. Howarth that the
club have a paid Secretary, carried unanimously after
which the Chairman (Mr. Houlding) proposed & Mr. Stockton
seconded the proposition that Mr. Molyneux be the Secretary.
His salary to be left in the hands of the Committee, which
was carried unanimously.
Election of the officers. The following officers were duly elected.
President John Houlding Esq.
Vice Chairman W. E. Barclay
Treasurer R. Wilson 168
Ass. do W. Jackson 162
Members of Committee
Mr. Brooks 244 Mr. Howarth 175
Dr. Baxter 197 " Clayton 141
Mr. Currier 193 " Stockton 118
" Fleming 190 " Williams 107
" Coates 175