		Committee Meeting held Tuesday April 22nd 1890.

Present:	Messrs Coates (in the chair) Jackson, Maxwell, Henderson,
		Flemming, Brooks, Clayton, Ramsey & Williams.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed. Mr.
£3 add		Clayton was instructed to write concerning £1.14.9 not yet
3.9.2		received from match Preston N. E. Reserve v Everton Reserve.
		(The following cheques are now in the Secretary's hands.
		Glasgow (Rangers) £30. Mr. Alcock (players expenses) £8.14.2
		West Bromwick £3. Birmingham £7.14.3 (JW. Wednesday)

Engagements of Players- Permission was given to sign on Robt. Jones
		Murray (5/- a week) and McEwen.
		Chadwick accepts terms- will return forms signed.
		Albert Chadwick - application as Full Back for Ev. Zingari
		Referred to Selection Committee.
		Holt - Some further explanations having been given it
		was agreed to move no further.
		Stephenson of Sunderland- This player is not to be engaged.
		Gearey- The Asst. Sec. was instructed to write Gearey asking
		him to play on Saturday against Partick Thistle (£35 guarantee)
		& on Monday against Preston North End. If still unfit to play
		he was to be asked to come to Liverpool & see the Club doctor.

Accounts 	to the amount of £100.18.5 were passed. This included the
		£10 advanced to Brady and £20.3.4 Mawdesley's Bill & also
		a bill incurred in 1888 from Lewis's for £6.7.0. The Asst. Sec.
		was asked to ascertain particulars from Mr. Barclay &
		also what had become of the large bag which was
		believed to be one of the items.

Player's Bags were ordered to be all returned to Trainer on or
		before the 28th to be examined noted & reissued.

North End Match (terms half gross). It was resolved that the Gate be 6d.
202 The possibility of playing baseball at the ground was considered. The ground was felt to be unsuitable.
232 Photograph of players taken at Sunderland. In was agreed that each player should have a copy. The team names: 1st and 2nd team were adopted.
243 £100 to be paid to Mr Houlding towards the Club’s loan account with him.
273 Gordon had to promise to keep in proper condition to play football
274 12 medals were ordered from Vaughton and sons.