		Committee Meeting held Monday April 14th 1890

		Present Messrs Houlding (in the chair) Berry, Flemming,
			Henderson, Maxwell, Ramsey, Williams, Wilson,
		Clayton, Brooks & Coates. (Secretary still laid up)

		The Minutes of the last ordinary and of the special
		meeting were read & confirmed, some remarks being
		made upon the apparent fact that the ground has been
		let to the Liverpool Association for next Wednesday
		evening without the knowledge of the Committee.

		Accounts passed £123.14.1. this included £50 paid Vale of Leven.
		There is still to receive against this amount - half-gate
		from Aston Villa (about £8.0.0) Railway Overcharge £3.4.0
		& Extra Railway Tickets £1.14.9. Without including these
		the nett balance is now £469.9.1.
			There is still due a balance from Preston Reserve
		March & the expenses West Bromwich protest.

		Engagements of Players for next season. The signed & stamped
		agreements with the following players were examined & approved.
		    Doyle	£3 per week all the year
		    Gearey	£3 "	"    "   "    "
		    Brady	£3 "	"    "   "    "
		    Holt	£3 "	"    "   "    "
		    Latta	£3 "	"    "   "    "
		    Campbell £3 "	" during 1st Sept. to 31st May & £1.10 per week June, July & August
		    Angus	£2.10 "	"   "    1st "     "  30th Apl & 2.0	"  "  1st May to 31st Aug.
		    Milward	£2.10 "	"   "    1st "     "  "    "   & 2.0	"  "   "   "   "   "   "
		    Parry	£2.0   "	" all the year
		    Hammond £1    " " during playing season & 10/ per week non-playing season
		    Abbott	10/  " "   "	   "	   "	only
		    Geo. Martin 15/ "   "       "	   "	 "	
		    Cox	       £1.15 " "   Oct. to May & 15/ during June July & Aug
		    Kirkwood £2.10 " "    "	  "  "       & £2	"   "	"     "
202 The possibility of playing baseball at the ground was considered. The ground was felt to be unsuitable.
232 Photograph of players taken at Sunderland. In was agreed that each player should have a copy. The team names: 1st and 2nd team were adopted.
243 £100 to be paid to Mr Houlding towards the Club’s loan account with him.
273 Gordon had to promise to keep in proper condition to play football
274 12 medals were ordered from Vaughton and sons.