		Committee Meeting held Feby 17th 1890
		Present	Messrs R. Wilson (in the chair) Jackson, Henderson,
			Maxwell, Coates, Fleming, Ramsay, Currier, Clayton & Molyneux.

		Minutes of last meeting read & conformed.

		Accounts amounting to £52.17.9½ passed for payment.

		Waugh	appeared before the committee & as his explanation re
			not going to Burnley was satisfactory, he was simply
			admonished by the Chairman.

		Weir	also appeared in the Committee instructed the Sec.
			to write him, stating that any further neglect of his
			duties will be met by severe punishment.

		W E Barclay's letters were read by the Secretary, refusing offer
			of the Committee, after which the matter dropped.

		Godwin Resolved that this player have new pants ordered.

		Players	the following players were engaged for next Season
			Abbott 10/- Hammond 15/- Marlin 15/- per week during
			playing season only.

		Charity match The Treasurer reported that he had paid into
			our Bank money taken at Gate etc. amounting to 232.9.0
			the same to be drawn out by Mr. A Smith the following day.

		Team	Cox, Hannah, Davies or Doyle, Kirkwood, Holt, Parry,
			Latta, Brady, Geary, Chadwick, & Milward.

		Signed Feby 24th 1890

					J. Houlding.
202 The possibility of playing baseball at the ground was considered. The ground was felt to be unsuitable.
232 Photograph of players taken at Sunderland. In was agreed that each player should have a copy. The team names: 1st and 2nd team were adopted.
243 £100 to be paid to Mr Houlding towards the Club’s loan account with him.
273 Gordon had to promise to keep in proper condition to play football
274 12 medals were ordered from Vaughton and sons.