		R. E. Smalley	The Secretary reported a conversation had with
				Smalley Saturday last re his position in the team &
				it was decided to insert a paragraph in the papers
				defining the same - his engagement for next season
				was left over.

		A. Milward	Resolved that he has an advance in his wages
				making the same 35/- per week

		Charity match - Resolved that members of the Club pay for
				admission on this occasion.

		Team against Rangers Cox, Hannah, Doyle, Kirkwood,
				Holt, Parry, Latta, Brady, Geary, Chadwick & Milward.

		Signed February 17th 1890
					Robert Wilson
202 The possibility of playing baseball at the ground was considered. The ground was felt to be unsuitable.
232 Photograph of players taken at Sunderland. In was agreed that each player should have a copy. The team names: 1st and 2nd team were adopted.
243 £100 to be paid to Mr Houlding towards the Club’s loan account with him.
273 Gordon had to promise to keep in proper condition to play football
274 12 medals were ordered from Vaughton and sons.