Our Com. therefore, urge upon yours the necessity
of providing efficient & vigilant police protection
for our men against the possible violent usage
& abusive language of a rowdy element amongst
the Spectators.
Yours (in the absence of the Secy.)
Jos Williams
E. J. White Esq.
Hon. Sec. Burnley Football club.
[Reserve Team for Lancashire Cup Tie here next Sat.
against Blackburn Rovers Reserve.]
Goal.- Jolliffe.
Backs- Hammond & J. Sugg.
Half-backs- Weir, Rob Jones & Farmer
Forwards- Dean Walton, Waugh or (Flemming)
Kirkwood & Abbott.
Signed 16 Dec. 1889.
J. Houlding
[Committee meeting held at "Stanley House" Monday
Dec 16th 1889]
Present- Mr. Houlding (in the Chair), Messrs Brooks, Ramsay,
Clayton, Currier, Jackson, Wilson, Henderson, Maxwell,
and Molyneux.
Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed.
Accounts amounting to £65.14.10½ passed for payment.
J. Holt- It was resolved that the previous resolution re loan repay-
ment be rescinded & that it now be arranged to pay 10/-
per week (instead of 20/-) up to 30th April and after that
date 20/- per week until he has paid off the debt.
G. Farmer- Resolved that he have 4 weeks wages advanced to