Prices of Admissions. It was decided that the prices
all over the ground be doubled for the match
with Preston North End except for Boys (3d).
Considerable discussion took place on the questions
of the "The Crowd straying over the field of play." "The
new stand" (repairs of & exit from) "Drying the ground
after heavy rain", & eventually these matters were
left to the Grounds Sub-Committee.
Signed 12/11/1889 J. Houlding
Meeting held Tuesday 12th Novr 1889
Present Messrs J. Houlding Esq. (in the chair), Wilson, Clayton,
Currier, Ramsay, Henderson, Maxwell, Brooks, Fleming,
Jackson & Molyneux.
Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed.
G. Farmer was brought up before the Committee re his conduct
to the Secretary & censured by the President - afterwards tendering
a written apology to the Secretary, which was duly accepted.
Accounts amounting to £81.12.4 passed for payment.
J. McGill Resolved that he be allowed a members ticket on
payment of 7/6.
Press Stand. It was resolved that on Saturday next the
Press use the large Covered Stands, all necessary arrange-
ments for same left to the Ground Committee.