			Meeting held Monday October 28th 1889.

		Present. Messrs Wilson (in the Chair), Molyneux, Jackson,
		Ramsey, Coates, Maxwell, Currier, Clayton & Williams.

		The Minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

		Account. The amount of £72.1.9 were ordered for
		payment & the receipt of £20 from match at Warwick
		was noted.

		Players & Training. The Captain of the Team and Trainer
		was called in & after conversation with the Com. it
		was decided that the hours for training should
		be Thursday & Tuesday each week at 12 am. & 7 P.M.
		& that each player should attend and train at
		least twice each week. Those of the Team who were
		in attendance were then called in and informed
		of this resolution; the play of late was criticised
		by the Chairman. The Captain and Mr. Coates & confidence
		was expressed of a great improvement in future.

		G. Farmer. In consequence of the non-compliance
		with the resolution passed at last meeting &
		also the non attendance this evening of this player
		it was resolved that George Farmer be suspended
		& his pay stopped for two weeks.

		Other Players. The Secretary was instructed to
		write to Gearey & J Holt asking for an explanation
		of their failure to attend this evening as directed.

		Team. It was resolved to play Brady forward, vice Kirkwood
		& Kane half back next Saturday.
202 The possibility of playing baseball at the ground was considered. The ground was felt to be unsuitable.
232 Photograph of players taken at Sunderland. In was agreed that each player should have a copy. The team names: 1st and 2nd team were adopted.
243 £100 to be paid to Mr Houlding towards the Club’s loan account with him.
273 Gordon had to promise to keep in proper condition to play football
274 12 medals were ordered from Vaughton and sons.