		Committee Meeting held Monday July 15th '89
Present		J. Houlding Esq. C.C. in the chair.
		Messrs R. Wilson, Jackson, Williams, Currier,
		Clayton, Howarth, Molyneux, Fleming, Coates,
		& Barclay.

		The Secretary intimated that a general
		Meeting of Football Associates would be held on Monday
		July 22.
		It was resolved.
		That the Secretary be instructed
		to represent the club at the above

		It was also resolved.

		That Geo Dobson's agreement date from
		the first of June 1889.

		J Houlding Chairman's Signature

				July 22 1889
202 The possibility of playing baseball at the ground was considered. The ground was felt to be unsuitable.
232 Photograph of players taken at Sunderland. In was agreed that each player should have a copy. The team names: 1st and 2nd team were adopted.
243 £100 to be paid to Mr Houlding towards the Club’s loan account with him.
273 Gordon had to promise to keep in proper condition to play football
274 12 medals were ordered from Vaughton and sons.