be asked to attend.
The question of Trainer's (F. Wills)
remuneration was deferred
After considerable discussion as
to the "in and out" performance
of the 1st team and also
McKinnon's defection - it was
agreed to adjourn the meeting
till Thursday evg. to select teams
and transact any other necessary
15 Nov Adjourned meeting Thursday 15 Nov 1888
Present John Houlding Esq. presiding
Messrs Wilson, Jackson, Fleming,
Gunning, W. Marriott, T. Marriott,
Howarth, Brooks, Barclay.
Application for sale of oysters on
the ground declined.
The committee considered the case
re A. Dick and D. Hodgetts as
well as the Notts charges, and
letters bearing on the subject from
Aston Villa Club, Mr. Alcock, and
Mr. Fitzroy Norris having been read,
it has resolved that Messrs Barclay
and Berry attend the enquiry and
take such steps as they considered
necessary for Dick's defence and in