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Reference number
796 EFC/1/1/19
Minutes 1929-1931
19 Mar 1929-7 Apr 1931
Contains minutes of general meetings, annual general meetings, emergency meetings, special meetings, sub-committee meetings including grounds and selection committees, informal meetings.
19 Mar 1929 it was agreed that the Club should try to sign E. Sagar. 26 Mar 1929 Dr T. P. McMurray reported that A. Virr should not play again this season. 3 Apr 1929 it was agreed to go on a tour of Germany. 30 Apr 1929 it was agreed to have 500-1,000 jubilee histories of the Club printed. 11 Jun 1929 the question of changing the colour of the Club's jerseys was discussed. 19 Nov 1929 it was reported that W. R. Dean (Dixie Dean) was recuperating from an operation on his ankle. 4 Feb 1930 it was agreed to set up a sub-committee consisting of two Directors and the Secretary to select teams. 18 Mar 1930 it was reported that J. Thompson had been signed from Dundee. 25 Mar 1930 it was agreed that reports on every player watched on behalf the Club would be written up in a book. 6 May 1930 it was reported that John McKenna had sent a letter expressing his sympathy at the Club being relegated to the Second Division. 6 May 1930 notice was received from shareholders of their intention to move a vote of no confidence in the present Board at the A.G.M. 23 May 1930 the Chairman reported that he would speak to the F.A. about their requirement that the Club alter its Articles of Association. 13 Jun 1930 it was reported that the Club's bank account was 12,560 in debit. H. D. Jones proposed a vote of no confidence in the Directors. The proposition was lost by 82 votes to 61. 25 Nov 1930 a resolution to increase the Company's capital and alter the Articles of Association to comply with the requirements of the F.A. was carried. 9 Dec 1930 more details of the scheme to increase the Club's capital and alter the Articles of Association are recorded. 22 Dec 1930 it was agreed to make a presentation to William C. Cuff for his long service to the Club. 24 Feb 1931 the Chairman reported that the Football League were leading an enquiry into the transfer of R. N. Dix to Everton F.C. 7 Apr 1931 it was agreed to go on a tour of Scandinavia. The Chairman reported that John McKenna had offered to present the League Division Two Shield to the Club. He would obtain estimates for broadcasting the ceremony.
Minutes signed by William C. Cuff, Andew Coffey, Ernest Green.
Letters giving notice of the A.G.M.s on 28 May 1929 and 13 Jun 1930 including balance sheet pasted before minutes of the meetings, and also agenda. Directors' Report pasted in next to the minutes of 13 Jun 1930. Minutes of a Meeting of the Football League Clubs, First and Second Division pasted in next to minutes of 8 Apr 1930. Two pages stuck together in minutes of 18 Nov 1930 - possibly this is deliberate. Copy of resolutions passed at the meeting of the League Clubs pasted in after minutes of 22 Dec 1930. Report on the signing of R. N. Dix by Everton F.C. attached by clip next to minutes of 31 Mar 1931. Estimates for re-turfing and draining the ground pasted in next to the minutes of 7 Apr 1931. English League and Central League fixtures 1928-29 pasted to back flyleaf. League and Central League fixtures 1929-30 pasted to inside back cover.
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