The Matthew Dean Interview
You can now listen to the first interview from our oral history project, between Dixie Dean's grandson, Matthew Dean and Everton Collection volunteer, Jan Grace. To listen just download the mp3 resource link on the right. A full transcript of the interview is also available. A breakdown of the interview including timings is shown below.
The Matthew Dean interview is the first of many more to come...
The Everton Collection oral history project began in March 2010 when a team of 15 volunteers were trained by the North West Sound Archive in interview techniques. Over 25 interviews with Everton fans have already been recorded and added to the Collection. More interviews are planned with players and club officials this year. We plan to publish all these interviews on the website later in the year.
Breakdown of Matthew Dean interview:
Timing(mins) Subject
1.07 Making a film about Dean
4.04 Little known incidents about Dean
5.11 Where the name 'Dixie' originates from
6.37 Newsreel films of Dean
7.54 Where Dean lived on Merseyside and how he got to matches
9.32 Proudest memory of Dean
11.51 His father's memories of Dean
13.00 Commonly held misapprehensions about the life and times of Dean
15.28 Did Dean enjoy his fame?
20.24 Dean's retirement, running the Dublin Packet pub in Chester
22.01 Has football become too commercial
28.01 Matthew's attachment to Everton
33.00 Matthew's greatest wish for Dean's legacy
39.39 Dean's ordinary home life
40.44 Dean's parents dislike of the 'Dixie' name
41.18 Story about Italian prisoner of war, Winston Churchill and Dixie Dean
You can now listen to the first interview from our oral history project, between Dixie Dean's grandson, Matthew Dean and Everton Collection volunteer, Jan Grace. To listen just download the mp3 resource link on the right. A full transcript of the interview is also available. A breakdown of the interview including timings is shown below.
The Matthew Dean interview is the first of many more to come...
The Everton Collection oral history project began in March 2010 when a team of 15 volunteers were trained by the North West Sound Archive in interview techniques. Over 25 interviews with Everton fans have already been recorded and added to the Collection. More interviews are planned with players and club officials this year. We plan to publish all these interviews on the website later in the year.
Breakdown of Matthew Dean interview:
Timing(mins) Subject
1.07 Making a film about Dean
4.04 Little known incidents about Dean
5.11 Where the name 'Dixie' originates from
6.37 Newsreel films of Dean
7.54 Where Dean lived on Merseyside and how he got to matches
9.32 Proudest memory of Dean
11.51 His father's memories of Dean
13.00 Commonly held misapprehensions about the life and times of Dean
15.28 Did Dean enjoy his fame?
20.24 Dean's retirement, running the Dublin Packet pub in Chester
22.01 Has football become too commercial
28.01 Matthew's attachment to Everton
33.00 Matthew's greatest wish for Dean's legacy
39.39 Dean's ordinary home life
40.44 Dean's parents dislike of the 'Dixie' name
41.18 Story about Italian prisoner of war, Winston Churchill and Dixie Dean
Listen to the Matthew Dean interview here
> Download resource (.mp3 file)
Full transcript of Matthew Dean interview
> Download resource (.doc file)
> Download resource (.mp3 file)
Full transcript of Matthew Dean interview
> Download resource (.doc file)